While clothes may make the man, we think shoes are important too, and sneakers even more so, but only if they’re done right.
Recently we’ve seen so many done wrong, we just had to share a couple of our sneakers pet peeves below. For more thoughts on how to do sneakers right, click to http://www.askmen.com/fashion/fashiontip_400/466_the-dos-and-donts-of-sneakers.html:
-- If you’re wearing sneakers to the office, please, we beg you, always wear socks with them, air them out every now and then, and spray them liberally with anti-bacterial/anti-fungal spray every night.
-- If you’re going to meet your potential in-laws, dude, wear a pair of real shoes. Show some respect people – at least at first.
--- If you’re headed to a job interview, leave the kicks at home, no matter how casual you think the office might be. Once you land the job, then break out the sneakers and have at it.
-- If you’re headed to the opera or theater, again, wear a pair of real shoes unless you’re Steve Jobs, Woody Allen or are well into your 80’s at which point you can do whatever you dang well please.