As Mark Twain once said, "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society”. In other words, all it really takes is a jacket, pants, shirt and shirt – and the world’s your oyster.
How to coordinate some stylin’ shirt-and-tie combos the next time you hit the menswear department? Remember a few basic rules of thumb, fire up the plastic and shop like a guy who mean business:
-- A tie should always pick up at least one of the colors in your shirt.
-- Tie colors should be a bit darker than your shirt, so there’s some contrast and interest at the neck.
-- A tie should always pick up at least one of the colors in your shirt.
-- Tie colors should be a bit darker than your shirt, so there’s some contrast and interest at the neck.
-- Shirt vs. tie patterns should be distinctly different in scale. Avoid pairing a small-patterned tie with a small-patterned shirt. Instead, pair larger-patterned shirts with smaller tie patterns or visa-versa.
-- Unless you’ve signed up for a season on “Dancing With the Stars,” stay away from black shirt and light tie combos. The only guy who ever pulled that look off was Sopranos henchman Paulie Walnuts, and you my friend are no Paulie Walnuts.
-- Idiot-proof the shopping process: Bring your suit or sport jackets with you when you go shopping so you can coordinate shirt and tie combos more easily. While you’re there, solicit the advice from the best-dressed sales person on the floor to help select good combinations and vet your choices.