Want to sleep in tomorrow? Then take a few minutes tonight to help beat the morning rush, and feel free to hit the snooze button when the alarm starts honking:
-- Get into uniform. Uniform dressing that is. Simplify your wardrobe so dressing well becomes a no-brainer. Stick to a few basic colors that work well together. Save yourself the hassle of wondering what shirt will go with that lime green sport jacket. Stick to the basics and express your more creative side with neckwear.
-- Get it together: Lay out tonight what you’ll wear tomorrow, before you go to bed tonight. Collect all the pieces, right down to the belt, socks, shoes and underwear. Put them all together in a logical place, like the bathroom so you get dress quickly after showering.
-- Step away from the iron, and put down the needle: Ironing or sewing on lost buttons in the pre-dawn hours are phenomenal time-wasters. Our suggestion? Make repairs before you hit the hay. At night, when you’re getting your clothes together (see above) for the morning, use the time to also check for wrinkles, stains, missing buttons and collapsing cuffs.