About ten years ago, in the time before Orbitz and Trip Advisor, a buddy booked a gang of us into a hotel in Vegas, sight unseen, based on a recommendation he’d seen in a guidebook.
The rate was great so we thought we were pretty wise guys, that is till we pulled into the parking lot and were greeted by a platoon of rent-a-cops armed with Rottweilers and razor-wire surrounding the hotel perimeter.
Needless to say, we quickly bailed out of the Gitmo Las Vegas and made a bee-line for better, more expensive digs.
The lesson? Never book anything sight unseen, and now we don’t have to thanks to everyscape.com -- a new, interactive, travel-friendly site that lets you stroll through the town of your choice and even into its buildings.
Everyscape.com describes it as “the real world, online,” that lets you check out the neighborhood before you book, so chances are you won’t accidentally wind up in the Bates Motel, unless that’s the sort of thing you’re into. Click to: everyscape.com