Not long ago, a doctor buddy noticed that we were a little tense. In between bouts of road rage and cussing out the Yankees on the flat-screen, it occurred to us that Doc might have a point.
His prescription? Meditation. Our reaction? Um, not so much. Not that there’s anything wrong with the lotus position, it’s just that we weren’t planning on folding ourselves into it anytime soon.
The compromise? Take two songs and call your primary-care physician in the morning. Doc suggested listening to a few cuts off Jonathan Goldman’s album “Sounds of Healing.”
So we downloaded it off Amazon and, to our surprise, we’ve been getting chilly with it every other day or so, just to take the edge off.
Like Valium for the ears, these lyric-free, chant-like tunes have the ability to tamp down the temper, quiet the mind and put us in a peaceful, trance-like state without us having to book a trip to an ashram.
To get some for yourself, prescription-free, visit amazon.com.