If you’re like us, it’s almost impossible to go anywhere without our Ipods on (loud).
But headphones jammed into our ears 24/7 does tend to annoy friends and family at a certain point. The remedy? Mini-speakers of course.
Now some dudes may go for the fancy high-end systems, but we have a tendency to break stuff, so something durable and about 1/3rd the price is a better match for us. Our choice? The Vestalife Ladybug Portable Speaker Dock for Ipod (approx. $100 on Amazon.com).
We got a Ladybug over a year ago and have used it just about every day since. The sound is quite decent, it runs on electricity or 4 AA batteries and is not much larger than a grapefruit, so we take it everywhere.
So far we’ve used it at home, in the car, in a little cabin in the Canadian woods and in our closet-sized office (with the door closed of course). Over the years, we’ve owned and accidentally destroyed at least 4 sets of portable speakers, but not the Ladybug – it just keeps rocking our world.