Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Perry Ellis is very proud of all of the gentlemen who have entered our makeover contest, and wanted to feature of few of them over the next few days so that you can meet them too!
The first gentleman I would like you to meet is a Major in the US Army, proudly serving our country and a great member of his community. Meet US Army Major Steven F. Selman. He is currently deployed, but due home at the end of this month:
His essay: I am a US Army Major stationed at US Central Command, MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL. I am often deployed, and have been to Afghanistan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia on many occasions, and am currently deployed, scheduled to return home at the end of August, 2009.

When I am home with my family, my wife, 8-year-old son and 1-year-old twins, I love to volunteer and make things better in my community. I would love to be "made over" and receive a brand-new Perry Ellis wardrobe to finally get me out of my Army fatigues, so I can look like an All-American civilian when I am out on the town with my wife or am volunteering on the weekends.
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