Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There comes a time in every guy’s life when a he’s got to learn how to manage his fridge, and the occasionally furry items inside it.

That’s right, that big metal box full of beer, “vintage” milk products and half-eaten cans of sardines can make you sicker than a frat-boy at rush week if you’re not paying attention to use-by dates, funky smells and of course, fuzz.
However, here’s the rub -- some foods that look like they should be disposed of by a hazmat team may actually be fine to eat, while others that look edible could give you a wicked case of, well, let’s not go there.

How to know what’s still OK eat and what to toss?

Head to the incredibly useful site <> , where you’ll find the low-down on how to handle your food and how long to keep it, plus answers to such burning questions as: Can you make bananas ripen more slowly? Are eggs still safe after the expiration date? Can you safely eat chicken that’s been frozen for two years? (The answer is oddly enough, yes with a few caveats, but really, would you want to?)
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