Wednesday, July 15, 2009


In the summertime, we try to eat outside just about every night. Whether it's barbecuing on the deck or picnicking in the park, it’s hard to keep us indoors.

With all this outdoor eating though, we were starting to feel badly about using plastic plates – at least until we found EarthShell® – the guilt-free, bio-degradable alternative to old school paper, foam or plastic plates.

Made primarily from vegetable starches like corn and potatoes, EarthShell® plates breakdown quickly and completely, without harming marine life. Better yet, they’re made in the U.S of A. so you’re not paying the freight on the plate’s round-the-world trip to your next picnic.

To scoop up some for your next outdoor gathering, click
to have your next guilt-free, earth-sensitive picnic!
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