Monday, July 6, 2009

Perry Ellis recommends taking a REAL power trip.

In this era of high speed everything, we move fast, particularly when it comes to business travel -- flying in one day and back home the next. Between security pat-downs, middle seats and snacks-for-purchase, safe to say the airlines have sucked much of the fun out of travel.

We however, demand a little fun now and then, no matter whose dime we’re traveling on. Our new travel obsession? Bike tours. Instead of hitting the hotel gym, now when we’re headed to a new city, we’re getting our exercise in by signing up for bike tours and hitting the road on big, comfortable beach bikes, with a city-savvy guide to lead the way.

Among our most memorable rides so far: Fat Tire Bike Tours through the streets of Paris; London Bicycle Tour Company and Bobby’s Bike Tours in Chicago. Don’t like being led around with a guide? Then do it yourself next time you’re in L.A. Rent a beach bike Spokes N’ Stuff just south of the Santa Monica Pier, and pedal up the coast on the cement boardwalk. A two hour ride at a leisurely pace will get you within a few miles of Malibu and give you a temporary taste of the sweet surfer-dude lifestyle. http://fattirebiketours.comhttp://www.londonbicycle.com
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