Fast-forward a few decades and the tee shirt has busted out all over. Here’s how to wear ‘em with style:
THE CLASSIC WHITE TEE: Worn under a shirt and suit jacket, Don Draper-style, the classic white crewneck tee shirt hides chest hair, sweat, lipstick stains and martini spills. It is, perhaps, man’s most perfect garment. How to wear it well? Snugly. As the white tee shirt is the foundation of your outfit, the smoother the tee fits, the better your dress shirt and jacket will lie over it.
KICKING IT CASUAL: It they don’t expect you to wear a suit and tie to the office, then a solid color crew neck in a muted tone can work well on its own under a sport jacket or blazer. Choose a slightly fitted tee, preferably long-sleeve, to add a hint of formality without sacrificing comfort.
HIPPER THAN THOU: For weekend wear, we say the more tee shirts the better. For day, we like a ringer or v-neck short-sleeve tee, layered over a lightweight long-sleeve tee shirt. For a casual night out or date with someone special, a solid-color, slim-fitting tee over a button-down shirt looks pulled together but not like we’re trying too hard. If the night is super casual, then we’ll go with jeans, a vest (no denim, please) and a fitted long-sleeve crewneck, you know, to show off our guns.
GOOD GRAPHICS MAKE THE MAN: How to gussy up a basic tee? Add an interesting graphic, a pair of jeans, and head out for a casual lunch. A bit more stylish than a solid-color tee, the graphic tee is a good Saturday daytime look. Sidestep the John Gosselin look altogether by avoiding oversized, neon tiger graphics. Instead look for muted colors and designs drawn with a light hand. Not surprisingly Perry Ellis has a few to choose from.
Our favorite? The Organic Vines Tee. Have a look: http://www.perryellis.com/Knits+Tees/Organic-Vines-Tee/invt/49fk5157ps&bklist=icat,4,shop,pemen,pedmknitsandtees
TEE SHIRTS THAT SPEAK VOLUMES: The classic “I’m With Stupid” tee shirt has become the gold standard of awful/idiotic/tacky message tee shirts. Though we’re not huge fans, we don’t rule out “talking” tees altogether, we just ask that you do wear ‘em with care.
Follow these three rules and you won’t go wrong:
(1) the message has to be brief, say, no more than 2 words
(2) words should be PG enough to wear in front of your mother or a member of the clergy without embarrassing either of them
(3) the shirt should be worn only when off-duty, never to the office.
OH NO! IT’S A MUSCLE TEE: How to send the object of your affections running in the other direction? Try a muscle tee or tank top. Can you wear a muscle tee to work? Yes, if you work in a gym, all-night disco or at the World Wrestling Federation. Stonewashed jeans, mullet and “cans o’beer” hat are optional.