Take it easy: Don’t jam your foot into your shoes; get an assist from a shoehorn. As retro as it might seem, an old-school shoehorn will preserve the shape – and the look – of the back of your shoes.
Give them a vacation: Wearing the same shoes day after day is a recipe for feet that reek. Rather than gassing the guys at the office, rotate your shoes. Switching shoes ever other day will help the shoes maintain their shape and give them time to air out between wearings.
Stuff ‘em: In a perfect world, wooden shoe trees are great for helping dress shoes dry out from daily wear, tear and sweat. In a pinch, say if you’re traveling, you can always stuff shoes with newspaper to dry them out and help them keep their shape. If you’re really short on time, a few quick shots with a blow dryer on low heat, aimed inside the shoe can speed things up, but use a blow dryer only as a last resort, as too much heat can hurt the leather.
Handle with care: If your shoes get soaking wet, dry them off as best you can and stuff with newspapers, re-stuff with dry newspapers every few hours and place them in front of a fan – but never in front of a heater as too much heat will crack the leather.
Once they’ve dried a bit, take them to your shoe repair shop for a full buff and polish treatment, and re-blocking