The question is, how do you do to fight back once you find yourself in the thick of the hangover battle? While there’s no single cure-all for cocktail-induced illness, we can offer up a few ideas that might help speed your recovery – or at least help dial down the morning-after nastiness.
AVOID THE SUBJECT: Easy for us to say, but don’t get a hangover in the first place. Help stave one off by alternating every drink with a glass of water throughout the night to help dilute the effects of the alcohol and minimize the effects of alcohol withdrawal in the morning. Before you go to bed, drink another glass of water (or two) for extra measure.
START SIPPING: To combat a case of what we like to call "the dry thirstys," start sipping. Some people swear by Gatorade for its electrolyte-replenishing qualities, while others stick to fizzy drinks like ginger ale and 7Up or Sprite mixed with seltzer. Avoid drinks with caffeine as anything more than a cup of the stuff can add to the dehydration problem, which is about the last thing you need.
GO BACK TO BED: If it’s a weekend, try to sleep in and/or take a few naps during the day so your body wont have to work that hard and can start recovering from the abuse. If you’ve got to hobble through a work-day with a hangover, our heart goes out to you man – but push yourself through till 5 pm and go to bed as soon as after work as you can.
Also, do yourself a favor and keep the hangover news to yourself. No need to share it with your boss, your cube-mates or the coffee cart guy. If anyone asks, tell ‘em you might have a touch of the flu and they’ll probably keep their distance for the rest of the day.
CLEAN YOURSELF UP: Hit the shower, but don’t just stand there in a steamy coma. Instead wake up your body with the element of surprise – by switching back and forth between hot and cold water. Some say the technique helps clear the foggy brain that often goes hand-in-hand with a hangover.
DON’T POP PILLS: Yes, if it all possible, we’re suggesting that you white-knuckle it through your hangover and resist the urge to and take aspirin, Tylenol or ibuprofen for a hangover.
While they’re all relatively safe and effective drugs on their own, once you essentially mix them with alcohol, their side-effects include thinning of the blood, liver damage and stomach bleeding.
If you just can’t crawl through the day without some pill-induced relief, to minimize their potential damage, take ‘em as far into the next day as you can so you’re system has had some time to flush out the alcohol.