1) Cut yourself in half.
-- If the boss man doesn’t mind, fool the eye by swapping suits for sport jackets and/or blazer and trouser combinations to break up the vertical line between your top and bottom half.
2) Fill ‘er up.
-- Pleated trousers will give the illusion of a fuller leg, and will ground the tall guy, more so than classic flat-front trousers. Keep the pleats on the small side and add a pair of cuffs at the bottom to finish off the look.
3) Beef it up.
-- Tall guys can combat their vertically by breaking up the lines with patterns. Patterned shirts, ties, suit jacket fabrics will help broaden the look of the chest and shoulders by making the eye move across the body rather than up and down.4.) Step away from the vertical stripes.
-- Like their brothers the thin guys, tall guys don’t need the longer leaner look that vertical stripes provide. Instead, tall guys will look better in tweeds, twills, small scale plaids, and fabrics that add texture to an outfit.
5) Look busy.
-- That’s right. While the short or stout guy may want to shy away from busy patterns and accessories, you Mr. Vertically Gifted don’t have to be as concerned with being streamlined, unless you want to look taller than you are already.
In fact, you can feel free to, within reason, add pocket flaps, pocket squares, bold stripes and slightly larger lapels to the repertoire to help balance out your tall guy proportions.