Actually, the list was much longer, but we thought we’d go easy on you to start:
1.) Crocs. There we said it. We know they’re comfortable, but they define the concept of “fugly”. Throw in some chunky, red-haired legs and ill-fitting shorts, and you’ve got a “full Batali,” and that’s not a good look on anyone, even on the multimillionaire chef himself.
2.) Full-sleeve tattoos. Want to really show the world what a rebel you are? Then resist the siren call of the tattoo parlor. Whoa. We know. It’s a totally rad thought. But seriously, when half of the population (including your mom) has one, how rebellious is a lot of ink at this point?
3.) Ponytails. Good on gals. On guys, not so much. The male tail, as it were, makes every guy resemble a cast-member from “The Son of Anarchy,” and that is not a good thing.
4.) Jeans that are hanging off the butt. No excuses guys, you need a pair of jeans that fit. Just like ladies take the time to find jeans that fit, so must you — its only fair. Start by seeing what Perry Ellis has to offer: http://www.perryellis.com/Men/Denim/icat/pedmdenim&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_keyword=perry_ellis_jeans&002=2098161&004=806361697&005=675404523&006=2966703157&007=Search&008=?gclid=CJWSq9mi05wCFRJD5godJxrHHg