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From my most embarrassing beach moment!
Applicants for the “Perry Ellis…RESCUE ME!” contest must submit a minimum 200 word essay describing their most embarrassing beach moment, which will then be submitted to a panel of judges to select the 10 national winners.
From my most embarrassing beach moment!
Applicants for the “Perry Ellis…RESCUE ME!” contest must submit a minimum 200 word essay describing their most embarrassing beach moment, which will then be submitted to a panel of judges to select the 10 national winners.
Applicants will be judged based upon persuasiveness, creativity and originality. Applicants must be 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States. Click here to view official contest rules: (http://member.perryellis.com/perry-ellis-now/patterson-summer/rules.html
Applications must be submitted to Kristen Pfund at Kristen.pfund@pery.com no later than midnight Monday, September 7th.
Information about the contest will be posted on the Perry Ellis blog, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites. Essays/portions of essays from the 10 winners will be posted at the discretion of the Perry Ellis panel of judges.
Winners will be notified on or near Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
Information about the contest will be posted on the Perry Ellis blog, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites. Essays/portions of essays from the 10 winners will be posted at the discretion of the Perry Ellis panel of judges.
Winners will be notified on or near Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
REMEMBER: No applicant will be selected who does not provide all contact information: email address, mailing address, phone number.