There’s nothing like a slice of pizza, that is until it lands on your shirt. To save the day, keep a stash of shirts in your desk drawer, and keep the following in mind the next time your pizza bib slips:
· Remain calm. Your best shot at removing a stain is just after impact, before it has time to penetrate the fabric and settle in the fibers.
· Suck it up. A liquid stain is going to spread, so your first move should be to put a cloth napkin under the stained section of the fabric, to absorb the liquid before your shirt does.
· Blot, don't scrub. Scrubbing frantically at a stain will damage fabric fibers and drive the stain deeper into the fabric.
· Use hot water on a grease stain. That will help the stain dissolve. Skip the cold water as it will actually help solidify grease stains.
· Spit on your tie. Sounds crazy, but we’ve heard that the enzymes in saliva break down protein-based food stains. For silk ties, don't fight stains with soap and water. Instead, gently rub in the saliva with a cloth. On your way home, drop the tie off at the cleaners to finish the job.