Monday, September 21, 2009


Feeling a little stressed? Spending FAR too much time at your desk and paying the price?

Well, one of the things we love about the internet is that there truly is something for everyone – anything you could possibly be interested in is accessible with just a few clicks.

We had one of those days recently, which prompted us to look around online for a few simple things we could do at our desks to relieve a little unwanted stress and work a few muscles -- without attracting too many quizzical looks from our office mates. Here’s what we found:
Desk Stretches:
-- While you might not be ready to host a full Pilates class at your desk, the smart guys over at have compiled a list of 12 easy-to-do, head-clearing stretches that can be done discreetly throughout the course of your desk-bound day:

Desk Workout Video:
-- If you’d like to follow the leader, then tune in to Exercise TV’s Desk Workout video at It takes less than 4 minutes and is a great way to quickly wake up your brain and legs while seated.

Mini-Exercise Bike:
-- Spending way too much time at the office? And not quite enough time at the gym? Here’s a thought: a mini-exercise bike that can fits under your desk. More of a workout supplement than gym replacement a mini-exercise bike can add a little calorie burn to a long day spent on email, so why not pedal your way through the day? Among the ones we have our eye on: and

The Treadmill Desk:
-- Someday, our dream-desk will be attached to a treadmill. Seriously. Can you imagine how fit we’d all be if we walked all day long while we worked? Sure it’s a crazy idea, but fun to think about – and here’s a blog that clearly has thought a lot about the treadmill desk:
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